Book: Ecotherapy A Field Guide.
When reading this book it made me very aware of just how western world peoples need to define, as though this is of the greatest importance, and just how this subject shows how definition is so limited or maybe even limitless. How here complexcity meets simplicity and how our reach for answers can find us circling and spiralling up and down and back on ourselves.
Understanding finds us jumping from left to right brain, from feeling to thinking when it actually lies somewhere in between as we allow ourselves to be fully present in union with our sense of self that evolved from and is truly connected to the earth the universe and the energy that has no explanation, that is ever evolving, dissolving and regenerating. Light and dark matter.
This book made me aware of our attempts to connect, reconnect to open up a consciousness that has been allowed to fade, that has been lost in the name of progress.
We have been sleep walking through reality and have disconnected with what is essentially our very essence, that we are made of what surrounds us.
Being dyslexic I have enjoyed this play with words and finding new ones such as: metatheory, ontology, axiology, epistemology, new forms of expression, but I won’t spoil it for you for this alone it’s worth a read.
The list of practices available is mind blowing, these are listed in table 2.1 in there chronological order of findings on page 13.
How we humans love to play and struggle with just how to be.