In the darkness there is light,
When we cant see,
Somewhere is burning bright,
That hollowness is not meant to last.
It’s a remainder of the past,
But sitting with it in the present,
Is an important thing to endure,
Even though it seems longer than before,
As in the darkness we seek light,
Examine and explore,
And it will come right,
As you lift that blanket of intense weight,
You will find your true self,
Open to new possibility,
A new place to be,
One that is not the same as before,
You have passed through and opened a new door,
This is about celebration,
Not defeat,
As in the darkness,
Your body made you stop and reflect,
Allowed you to recognise,
To close your eyes, there is always a choice,
Listen to your body,
Not that internal voivce.